Moni Painting & Maintenance Corporation

Let us help you grow your business through the web

Based in Sydney, Moni Painting & Maintenance prides itself on delivering commercial, residential and industrial painting projects with a flawless finish.

Increase the contacts and leads by 15%
Increase in sales by 20%
Return on Investment of 500%


Targeting key industry contacts to promote the customer's services.


Created the social media campaign that was designed to target key decision making people in the relevant industry.  The social media campaigns were designed to place our customer services in front of decision-makers so they can be considered for any future projects.


The customer had instant results and was contacted in relation to the major maintenance projects. He was successful in winning most of the tender projects that resulted in increasing his workload by 30%.

15% Contacts

30% Sales

500% ROI

From The Client

“The web knowledge and artistic design of iLocal Marketing is next to none. I’m extremely satisfied with the help I’ve gained from the team at iLocal and the results I gain daily have proven that my decision to engage in their services was definitely the right one.”

Our case studies

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